Squarespace 10b ipoann azevedotechcrunch

Squarespace 10b ipoann azevedotechcrunch

Squarespace 10b ipoann azevedotechcrunch, the popular website building and hosting platform, is reportedly planning to go public through a direct listing that could value the company at around $10 billion. The news was first reported by Azevedo TechCrunch, which cited anonymous sources familiar with the matter. According to the report, Squarespace has already submitted a draft registration statement with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and is expected to go public in the coming months. The company is said to be working with Goldman Sachs and JPMorgan Chase on the listing.

Squarespace was founded in 2003 by Anthony Casalena and has since grown into one of the most popular website builders in the world. The platform allows users to create professional-looking websites without any coding knowledge, making it a popular choice for small businesses, artists, and bloggers. The company has raised over $280 million in funding to date, with its most recent round in 2017 valuing the company at $1.7 billion. Squarespace has also been profitable since 2016, according to the company’s website.

The Potential Impact of Squarespace’s IPO

If Squarespace does go public at a $10 billion valuation, it would be one of the largest direct listings in history. The move could also have significant implications for the website building and hosting industry as a whole. Squarespace’s success has already spurred competition from other website builders like Wix and Weebly, and a successful IPO could further cement its position as a leader in the space. It could also lead to increased investment in website building and hosting companies, as investors look to capitalize on the growing demand for online presence. However, going public also comes with its own set of challenges. Squarespace will be subject to greater scrutiny from investors and analysts, and will need to continue to innovate and grow in order to justify its valuation.


Squarespace’s reported IPO is a significant development for the website building and hosting industry. With a potential valuation of $10 billion, the move could have far-reaching implications for the market and could lead to increased investment in the space. However, the company will also face new challenges as a public company and will need to continue to innovate in order to maintain its position as a leader in the industry.

Sonia Awan

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